Homes 4 Sale
The Avery 1336 sqft
The Arlington 1377 sqft
The Clermont 1382 sqft
The Truman - 1430 sqft
The Hennessey 1455 sqft
The Collinsville 1485 sqft
SHD Plan # 1278 1525 sqft
The Winthrop 1538 sqft
The King 1573 sqft
SHD Plan # 1281 1579 sqft
The Hennessey II 1590 sqft
The Camden 1601 sqft
The Holbrook 1605 sqft
The Ike 1625 sqft
The Saratoga 1640 sqft
The Hayfield 1646 sqft
The Glenwood XL - 1650 sqft
The Idaho 1655 sqft
The Lexi 1661 sqft
The Frederick 1680 sqft
The Charlotte 1703 sqft
The Sonoma 1746 sqft
SHD PLAN #1301 1752 SQFT
SHD Plan #1299 1766 sqft
SHD Plan #1284 1781 sqft
SHD Plan # 1282 1785 sqft
SHD Plan 1286 1787 sqft
The Fargo II 1800 sqft
The Newburgh 1802 sqft
Cameron 1803 sqft
The Orlando 1809 sqft
The Chatanooga 1810 sqft
SHD Plan 1287 1810 sqft
The Oklahoma 1824 sqft
SHD Plan #1285 1867 sqft
The Lyn 1879 sqft
SHD Plan #1289 1880 sqft
The Independence 1881 sqft
The Deerfield 1886 sqft
The Lawrence - 1890 sqft
The Independence II 1892 sqft
The Cameron 1903 sqft
The Monroe 1919 sqft
The Bristow 1973 sqft
SHD Plan #1283 1985 sqft
The Destin 2000 sqft
The Quincy - 2011 sqft
The Colby II 2013 sqft
The Arcadia 2064 sqft
The Sherman 2090 sqft
The Arizona 2093 sqft
The Wellington 2093 sqft
The Summerdale 2095 sqft
The Durango 2108 sqft
The Legacy 2115 sqft
The Colorado II 2133 sqft
The Scottsdale 2217 sqft
The Britton 2232 sqft
The Bloomfield 2241 sqft
The Rushmore 2262 sqft
SHD Plan #1279 - 2292 sqft
The Arizona XL 2293
The Trenton 2296 sqft
The Britton II 2365 sqft
The Grand Canyon 2377 sqft
The Denali 2387 sqft
The Gunnison 2416 sqft
The Cambridge 2420 sqft
The Jacktown 2502 sqft
The Marshall - 2530 sqft
The Baytown 2538 sqft
The Cheyenne 2542 sqft